Reading Notes: Babbitt. More Jataka Tales, Part B

For this reading note, I am writing about Beauty and Brownie by Ellen C. Babbitt. This story was about two deers named Beauty and Brownie. The corn fields were getting ripe so it was season that was dangerous for deers to be around because hunters would leave out traps. Beauty and Brownie's father warned them of this and asked them to take their herds and to go to some high hills until the season was over. The father also advised them to travel only in the night so they would not be seen by the hunters. So Beauty and Brownie set off with their herds to the high hills. However, Brownie did not forgot what his father said and traveled in the daylight. He herded his herd straight into some hunters and lost some of his herd. Beauty remembered what his father had told him and did not lose one deer. When the season was ending, the two herds headed back to the forest. However, Brownie still did not learn his lesson. He traveled in broad daylight again and lost more of his herd. Both Beauty and Brownie returned home, but Brownie returned with less deer. If I were to retell the story I would change Beauty and Brownie's names with something with more meaning. I looked up Beauty and Brownie but they still had the definitions I thought they would. For example, the name for beauty will be Hugo because "Hugh" means mind and intellect (Mom Junction). I could not find a name that means stupid because I do not think anyone would like to name their child stupid so I will just make one up.
(Picture of White Tailed Deer Wiki)


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