Reading Notes: Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution, Part C
For today's reading notes I wrote about Bhima Kills Bakaura. After the escaping the fire, the Pandavas seek refuge. They settle in the city of Ekachakra when a scholar offers them shelter. One day, Kunti hears the scholar scream. When she asks what is wrong, he tells her about Bakasura. Bakasura is an Asura who wrecks havoc in their town. To satisfy his hunger, Bakasura would go into town kill people and eat them. One day, the townspeople and Bakasura came to an agreement that one person in town would provide food for him once a week. However, when this agreement came into play Bakasura ended up eating the person who delivered the food. This week is was the scholar's turn to be the person to deliver the food. After hearing this, Kunti offered for her son Bhima to go in his place. Bhima obliged and went to Bakasura. When Bhima arrived, Bakasura saw that the cart was empty. Bakasura was big mad. They started fighting. No matter how Bakasura was he was not a match for Bhima. The city of Ekachakra celebrated. I really liked this story because I thought it was funny how Bhima ate the food that was meant for Bakasura. If I were to retell this story I would add dialogue.
(Picture of Bhima Fighting Bakasura Wiki)
The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by Epified TV
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