Reading Notes: Babbitt. More Jataka Tales, Part A

For this reading note, I am writing about The Golden Goose by Ellen C. Babbitt. This story intrigued me. It was about greed. There was a goose that had golden feathers. Not only was the golden goose beautiful, but kind. The goose saw that a family was struggling and decided to help them out. The family consisted of a mother and two daughters who were very poor. When the goose approached the family to help them out, the mother greeted him with suspicion. She did not know why the goose would help her and her family. The golden goose told the family that he would stop by every once in a while to give them a feather so that they could sell it. Because of this the family began to live comfortably. However, the mother's greed ruined them all. One day, she plotted to keep the golden goose and the house. She was afraid that the golden goose would not return one day and their source of income would disappear. She soon found out that if the feathers of the goose were forcibly taken out then the feathers would appear white (normal). Therefore, it was worthless. When the goose's feathers grew back he left and never returned. If I were to retell the story I would cast celebrities. The family I would cast would be the Kardashians and of course Kris would be the mom. Another spin on the story would be that the goose will be one of her daughters. She is a momager and makes her money from managing her daughters. I do not have anything against Kris. She is getting the back, but I thought I would use the quote, "the devil works hard, but Kris Jenner works harder".

(Picture of Kris  Wiki)


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