Week 8 Reading and Writing

Overall, I think the reading and writing assignments are going well. They are take more time than I would like because I go back and reread things I did not quite understand. I feel like I have to take it slower to actually understand the story just because this is all new to me. The names of the characters get confusing. However, I have noticed that I have been getting better at reading the stories as I get to know Indian Epics better. For example, I remembered who Hanuman was from Ramayana when I was reading Mahabharata. I am happy with my blog. I feel like it is more aesthetically pleasing to look at now than before. Before it was really plain, but I added some flowers to make it look pretty. Also, I like the display of the images from the stories. One of my favorite pictures is this picture of Sita pregnant with Ravana's children. It gave me inspiration to write a story of Sita's revenge against Rama. This allowed to get really creative with my story. People who have commented on my story so far have commented how "dark" it is. It contrasts a lot from my previous stories.

                                    (Picture of SIta Pregnant with Ravana's babies Sita Sings the Blues)

In order to get more out out of the reading and writing experiences in this class, I think I should continue to take notes while reading. When I try and take notes after I finished reading, it is not as detailed because I forget a lot of information. I want to working on making the scenery more beautiful as they do in Ramayana. It really brings the story to life. 


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