Reading Notes: Babbitt. Jataka Tales, Part A

For this reading note, I am writing about The Merchant of Seri by Ellen C. Babbitt. This story was about a poor family consisting of a little girl and her grandmother. Their family was once rich, but they lost it all. From the past riches, the grandmother still had a golden bowl. However, she did not know the value. There were two merchants who would go into town to sell their goods. One of the merchants was greedy. When the grandmother and the little girl approached the greedy merchant, they offered the golden bowl to him for exchange for anything, the merchant caught on that they did not know the value of the bowl. The merchant threw the bowl to the ground and said it was worthless. He did this because he was planning on getting the golden bowl for dirt cheap. Then, he left. Another merchant came, but this one was kind. When the grandma attempted to trade her golden bowl again, this merchant was more receptive. He told them the value of this bowl and offered everything he had with him. All he asked for in return was eight pennies so he could pay his boat fare. The greedy merchant returned and tried to get the bowl. When he found that the bowl was already sold, he was devastated. He lost a fortune because of his greed. If I were to retell the story I would change the golden bowl to a diamond because it makes more sense to me that the diamond would be mistaken for now value because it is technically a rock! I would also add more dialogue and explain how the grandma and little girl lost their money. They seem kind, but naive.

(Picture of merchant, grandmother, and little girl Clipart)


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