Week 6 Lab:TEDEd Videos: Language
I liked the video How Languages Evolve by Alex Gendler. It is crazy that there could be somewhere between 3000-8000 different languages. So far, I know English, Korean, Latin, and Spanish. I learned Latin in high school and it really helped with learning Spanish because it was my first experience with conjugating. Although Latin is not a spoken language, many languages derive from it. I learned Spanish in college and I am planning on minoring in it. I used to get annoyed when people would ask if I could understand another Asian language because of languages are so different. The Korean alphabet doesn't share the same alphabet as the Chinese or Japanese. It is even difficult to understand North Koreans even though we speak the same language, because they have a different dialect. However, after learning Spanish I understood a little bit why people thought Asian people spoke the same language. People in Mexico and Spain share basically the same language although there are differences in how they say 't's because it sounds like 's' in Spain.
(Picture of the Korean Alphabet Flickr
The next video I liked was How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English byAnna Ananichuck. The English language has many tenses such as past, present, future, progressive, perfect, perfect progressive, and more. There are twelve verb tenses in English. It was interesting to learn that the Japanese only use their verb tenses to distinguish the past from the non-past. Another thing I learned was that Mandarin Chinese doesn't have verb tenses.
The last video I liked was Does Grammar Matter? by Andrea S. Calude. To answer the title of the video, the answer is yes grammar matters! However, I find myself often not using correct grammar when I am speaking, but I try to use correct grammar while I am writing. A good point that the video brought up was even if you know a lot of words in a certain language, it doesn't make sense unless you know how to put it together. I can relate a lot with this when I try to formulate my sentences in Spanish.
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