Week 5 Review

I watched Mahabharata meets Game of Thrones. I actually just started watching Game of Thrones last month and it is a great show. I am excited to read Mahabharata this week. I think that I will start seeing the characters in Mahabharata as the characters of Game of Thrones. Since I just started Game of Thrones, this sneak peak of Mahabharata gave away some things in Game of Thrones, but that is okay. I am the type of person who will read the entire synopsis of a movie if I really want to watch it that day, but I can't. 

This image of the stages of procrastination is me. Speaking of Game of Thrones, I have been procrastinating on my homework because of it. I really should not be blaming anyone other than myself though. I have been getting better at not procrastinating. I am not behind, but I am not as ahead like I would like to be. 
(Picture of the Stages of Procrastination Stages of Procrastination)


  1. I love your stages of procrastination. As a fellow procrastinator I recognize all of those stages! Although Stage 5 normally involves some &^%#%^ and ^&*!@#, hahaha. Procrastinating is SO exhausting, yet I do it again, and again. I have no idea! I will have to watch this Game of Thrones meets Mahabharata. I love Game of Thrones, but I have never really watched the show. I read all the books, and enjoyed them sooooo much!! I am in a one-way mental battle with Mr. George R.R. Martin for not finishing the series yet! That is so disappointing. Maybe by time he writes it, it will have been so long that I will have to re-read the whole series and will be able to enjoy it all over again! Have you read the books?


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