Week 4 Lab:TED Talk videos

In The Danger of a Single Story, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie recalls encounters in her life of the danger of a single story. Adichie recalls seeing only one side of the story when she met her houseboy’s family. Then later, her college roommate only saw one side of the story by pitying Adichie before even getting to know her. Adichie went to college in America and her roommate was surprised she spoke English well and listened to Mariah Carey. The overall message of this speech is to know both sides of the story. Making judgements before knowing the full story creates prejudice and sometimes discrimination. This speech may relate to my research for me to be open minded to the new information that I discover. Power relates to a “a single story” because that is what a story is dependent on. Whoever says the story has the power to change and pass it along to the people who listen to the story.

In Imaginary Friends and Real-World Consequences: Parasocial Relationships, Jennifer Barnes talks about the impact of the work of fiction has on us. The purpose of the work of fiction is to engage our emotions. When a fictional character that we hold dear in our hearts die, we feel alief. According to Gendler, "alief is an automatic, gut-level, belief-like attitude that may contradict an explicitly held belief". We can also feel alief for a celebrity. They may not know us, but we know them. Especially with social media we are able to know their favorite movie or snack. Barnes did a study to see how people would feel when an associate died compared to our favorite fictional character. More women were sad if their favorite fictional character died compared to an acquaintance. This may be due to the fact that we know such much about the fictional character or celebrity that we feel a closer bond in a parasocial relationship compared to a relationship with an acquaintance. What I got from video is that we should not forget about our real world friends. Reading fiction may increase empathy and we should direct that towards other human beings in our lives.

(Picture of  Imaginary Friends Flickr)


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