Time Strategies

From Realistic Study Plans by Amanda Collins, I'm thinking about using Template to plan out my schedule. There is a printable college schedule template that may be useful or I might go buy a cute little planner from Target. I noticed that at the beginning of the year, I make a schedule for the first month or so and gradually get lazy and eventually stop planning. I also tend to go off schedule a lot which disregards the purpose of scheduling. I hope to better with scheduling this semester by staying on track. I also need to give myself more time to study because just an hour is not enough as I have found out from last semester. From 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time by Aine Caine, I have found that I mismanage my time. Being a pre-medicine major, there are a lot of amazing people. To make yourself stand out, medical schools expect you to do all kinds of things such as being involved with your community, shadowing a doctor, maintaining a high GPA, doing well on your MCAT, volunteering at a hospital, and so on. I try to do most of things they require, but it is difficult. In fact last semester, I had strep for four months because my body was not well rested enough for it to fight off the infection. Everyone told me that I needed to rest, but it was impossible because I had responsibilities. The world doesn't stop running. I ended up getting better once the semester ended and rested like I would never wake up. I also get distracted easily especially clips of the Korean show Animal Farm where they display all kinds of animals doing interesting things. I plan to schedule a "fun time" of when I should watch these clips instead of being distracted by them no matter how cute it is. I hope these new time management strategies will help me in the school year.

(Picture of monkey riding on a pig Animal Farm)


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