Growth Mindset

I have never heard of Carol Dweck before, but I do know now. Rather than growth mindset, I have heard about fixed mindset more. I have seen fixed mindset be associated with stubbornness and being closed minded. I like Dweck's explanation of the growth mindset. The ability to grow, think, and face challenges. 

Dweck's TED Talk actually inspired me on how to handle a situation. Today, at the laboratory I was feeling discouraged because of my lack of knowledge of certain techniques. With my fixed mindset, I could have easily ran away from the difficulty by quitting. I could have just made excuses for myself by blaming it on not learning it that in depth in school. However, I believe that this is a challenge I need to face. On my own time, I need to find the time to master these laboratory techniques and be able to present them to my researcher. 

I feel that I am a little closer to the growth mindset in the spectrum between the fixed and growth mindset. I don't like to fail which is why I tend to run from problems. However, I like growing and helping others grow. I struggled with chemistry a lot in high school. I remember crying all the time, because of how stressed out I was in the class. My teacher, Mrs. Willingham, was tough. She had my brother in her class before and had high expectations for me. I felt like a failure. However, she was passionate and persistent. She would not give up on me and always encourage me. I stayed after school and sometimes on the weekends. In the end, I ended with growth. I excelled in the class and tutored students at my high school in chemistry from her recommendation. Even now, I help students with chemistry and help others grow.
(Picture of cat with a growth mindset cheezburger)

I noticed that I have been too fixed on getting A's in my college classes rather than actually learning and growing. I hope that during the semester, I will learn more about growth mindset so that I can grow and stop wasting my life!


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