Week 13 Story: Bakasur, the Fat One

The Pandavas and Kunti were wandering around looking for shelter. How did they get here you might ask? Well you see, Duryodhan tried to kill them by planning to set the house they were staying at on fire. Luckily, Vidura warned the Pandavas about the scheme and the Pandavas were able to escape. It was not an easy journey. The Pandavas were walking through a dense forest. They were so hungry and so thirsty. Finally, they arrived in the city of Ekachakra. They disguised themselves as brahmins and begged for food on the streets. It seemed like their misfortunes were over once a scholar offered them shelter. The Pandavas and Kunti were able to relax a little. They got to eat, sleep, and rest. However, one day Kunti heard the scholar scream. She hurried to him. Kunti said, "What is the matter? I heard a loud scream coming this way. Was it you?" "Yes. I am very sorry, but something terrible just happened! It is Bakasur," said the scholar. "Who is that?" sa...