Reading Notes: Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution, Part A
For today's reading notes I would like to focus on Bhishma/Devarat. Devarat is the son of King Shantanu and Ganga. Kind Shantanu fell in love with Satyavati. However, she refused to marry him because her sons would not be the crown princes with Devarat being the first born son. To make his father happy, Devarat made a terrible oath that he would not take the throne or marry/have children so there would not be an opponent for the claim of the throne. The terrible oath that Devarat swore is how Devarat became known as Bhishma. Bhishma came to mentor his half brothers Chitrangad and Vichitiraveerya. Not once did he try to take their throne. Bhishma went as far as kidnapping Amba, Ambika, and Ambalika to be the wives of Vichitiraveerya. Amba asked to leave for she had eyes for another and Bhishma apologized to her and let her go. However, when she went to King Shalva he rejected her and told her to go marry Bhishma. Bhishma also refused Amba because he wanted to keep his oath. Vichitiraveerya passed away from an illness and left no heirs. But still Bhishma refused to break his oath. If I were to rewrite this story I would focus on Bhishma's character. He is an honorable man who will not break his oath. Even though there were many times in the story where Bhishma could have taken the throne he did not. I want to focus on the part where he refuses to take women as his wives. I will make it modern and make it about consent.
The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by Epified TV
(Picture of Bhishma Making His Oath Wiki)
BibliographyThe Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by Epified TV
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